
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Everybody Poops - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 53
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
You ever changed a poopy diaper? You ever changed a poopy diaper 1500-2000 times? Man it gets OLD. But when it comes time to start potty training it's not like you just throw away those diapers and say "here's the toilet" (well for most of us it doesn't happen that way). On this weeks episode the dads are talking about potty training. We'll go through a brief, somewhat confusing, timeline of the history of potty training, talk about how the age of potty training has shifted to later in a child's life, and discuss some of the general DO's and DON'Ts of potty training. So pull up a seat on the toilet and enjoy this weeks episode of the Raising Nashville Podcast.

Monday Apr 06, 2020
That One Global Pandemic Movie - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 52
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
(90's Movie Trailer Voice) In a world where everyone is stuck at home, three dads decide to watch a movie about a global pandemic, but then they realize that movie cost $4.99 on Amazon, so they open up Netflix and decide to watch that OTHER global pandemic movie. Will they make it through the movie? Will Bucky figure out who that security guard is? Does Oldboy really think Cuba was flying that helicopter? Will we say the name Patrick Dempsey more or less than 25 times?
Tune in this week for these answers and more as we review the 1995 blockbuster (?) film Outbreak, starring Rene Russo, a monkey, terrible hairstyles, a bunch of canceled dudes, and most definitely not Josh Brolin or Simon Pegg. Are we off of lock down yet?

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Stay Home, Listen to Podcasts - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 51
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020

Monday Mar 23, 2020
Gettin' Crunk Like A Mutha - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 50
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
A few weeks back the dads got together to record something special for their 50th episode. They were then kicked out of the studio by their better halves, who proceeded to take over the Raising Nashville Podcast. This week they're telling our Listenership what they do when the dads are sequestered in Juicebox's spare room, and giving you the scoop on some of their favorite spots to take your kids, and Get Crunk Like a Mutha. Enjoy, and continue to practice social distancing y'all.

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Panic At The Costco - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 49
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
This wasn't the episode we planned on putting out. But a lot of things changed last Wednesday, and the Coronavirus, AKA COVID-19, became front and center in everyone's mind (although it probably already should have been). We're diving into the timeline of the spread of this virus. From when the first case was reported on December 31, up to where we are today, (well Sunday). We talk about the cascade of cancellations and closures and the effects they have on working parents. Then, when things are at their heaviest, Bucky hits us with a Paul Walker conspiracy that leaves us all speechless.

Monday Mar 09, 2020
It's the Best Of...This Podcast? - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 48
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages,
It's our 1 year anniversary episode! One year of speaking non-sense on parenting, Nashville and our pop-culture love. If you've lasted this long you know we've covered a bevy of topics ranging from spanking your children to McKamey Manor. We've agreed, disagreed, and discovered ourselves along the way.
With that being said, this week we have something special for the city of Nashville and our loyal listenership. That's right! This week is Raising Nashville's BEST OF NASHVILLE episode! Since it's our first anniversary we decided to rank everything from exhibits at the zoo to where to take your kids when you need a drink. From birthday party venues to movies filmed in Nashville we rank them all! You can't wait to find out who our favorite special guest was...trust us!

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Drinking With Joysticks - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 47
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
The flashing lights and sounds, the smell of cigarettes and pizza(?), picking out an eraser to spend your 10,000 ski ball tickets on. If you're around our age you probably remember the overwhelming sensation of walking through an arcade as a kid. Sometimes you were lucky enough to have some quarters burning a hole in your pocket, sometimes you just had to look at the game and just daydream about how much fun it probably is to play. Well, thanks to modern cash grab based around everything nostalgic about our childhoods, Arcades are BACK! Well kinda. Now instead of pumping quarters into the game you're pumping expensive beers and cocktails into your system while trying to conquer that 4 player Simpsons game you never had enough money to play back in the day. Yes, this week the guys are discussing the resurgence of arcade, or the arcade bar more specifically. We talk about some of the offerings Nashville currently has and some that may be opening in the future. So leave your quarters on the nightstand and join us on this weeks episode of the Raising Nashville Podcast.
8 Bit Theme song by - Shane LaRue (A.K.A. Better Atoms)

Monday Feb 24, 2020
NO! - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 46
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Do you want to put on your shirt? NO! Do you want to sit down and have some breakfast? NO! Do you want this present? NO! Yes, on this weeks episode of the Raising Nashville Podcast we're talking about everyone's favorite period of child development, the "Terrible Two's". And even though Oldboy claims it didn't happen with his kid (we still don't believe him) it is a real thing for most parents. This week we're diving into some of the causes behind your kids "Terrible" actions and discuss some options you have when your kid is having that full on melt down (one of the suggestions may or may not be drugs and alcohol, for yourself of course, not the kid). So say yes to this weeks episode of the Raising Nashville Podcast, or maybe someone needs to think about it in Time Out.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
After These Messages.... - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 45
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
🎵🎵🎵 Raising Nashville...more than meets the eye, Three Dads wage a battle to destroy the evil forces of... their children. 🎵🎵🎵
That's right folks! This week we are talking all things cartoons. From the 80's to Netflix we discuss the transition from waiting a week to demanding now!
Are commercials beneficial to patience? Does Oldboy actually accept the new Barbie cartoon? Was Captain Planet too ahead of its time? Check out this weeks episode for these answers and much more. We also rank our top 3 Saturday morning cartoons growing up and drop theme songs that will add sugar to your listening cereal.
So dive into this episode like Scrooge McDuck dives into his money. We promise you won't break your neck.

Monday Feb 10, 2020
I'll Cry If I Want To - Raising Nashville Podcast - Episode 44
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020